snap Who Am I?

As of August 2020, I have been a Ph.D. student studying Criminology for three years. I am now studying for comps, thinking about a dissertation topic, and editing publications.

What I am Doing:

(1) I am currently working on publishing two papers. One deals with an algorithm for hot spots policing. The second deals with evaluating the effects of gentrification on juvenile homicide.

(2) I continously write a blog on criminological theories. I mainly write for a undergraduate audience. However, it also serves the purpose of helping me explain theories better and learn about their histories!

(3) Inbetween writing and studying, I teach myself and get more comfortable with python and sql. I make random side projects to help keep my skills intact.

Other Stuff:

(1) I dive deep into reading about historical places and buildings! Ask me about fun facts about gentrification or buildings and we can chat!

(2) I enjoy taking long motorcycle trips cross-country. This helps clear my mind and manage burnout!

(3) With COVID-19 making everything online, I try to keep all lectures recorded and online for free use! (Hopefully to come soon).